Lifter Profile - ROSS SALDAN
Best Competition Lifts
SQUAT: 302.5 kg, 666 lbs. APC, April 17, 2013
BENCH: 230 kg, 508 lbs., Canadian Nationals, Toronto, June 2008
DEADLIFT: 572 kg, 600 lbs. UPA, METAL MILITIA MEMORIAL MEET, Dec 17, 2006
TOTAL: --- kg, 1624 lbs
Age: 63 Weight: 260 Height: 6'3"
Organizations lifted in: CPF, IPA, UPA, WPC, APF, CPA, WPA, APA
Ross was a cyclist weighing 174 lbs at 6'3". At 50 years old, he fell and broke his hip. X-rays showed that he had Ostiopenia, thin bones. He went into the gym to lift weights to strengthen his bones and met Vince who said, "Ross, you are very strong, you should do powerlifting", to which he responded, "Powerlifting? What's that?'.
In Florida, he started going to the YMCA, 5 minutes away, then a few weeks later he found gym Muscle Works in Bradenton with 25 powerlifters, 25 minutes away and drove there 4 times a week. He hired Wade Philips to train him and along with coaching from Brian Highnote in St Petersburgh, FL, he bought full outfit of gear and did his first meet in 5 months. In double ply gear, he attained a 300 lb squat, 185 lb bench and a 300 lb deadlift.
Three years later, Ross contacted Bill Crawford in Glens falls, NY and started driving 3 and a half hours one way weekly to be trained by Bill. Within three years of being coached by Bill, Ross surpassed all his lifting goals. Training with the Metal Militia in NY, with Tommy Fannon at Outlaws in Tampa and eventually with Canada's strongest lifters at Montreal Barbell were and still are his most influencial times.
In my own words:
I started powerlifting to strengthen my bones. Along the way I was lucky to find the right people to coach me. Wade Phillips on day one called Ernie Frantz and handed me the phone to give them my credit card number because he had ordered all my lifting gear for me. I didn't choose raw or geared, everyone in powerlifitng was lifting geared and to compete, I needed to get my gear and start lifting.
Meet Resumé
Date Fed Place Meet Age Age Cat Weight Wt Cat SQUAT BENCH DEADLIFT TOTAL Placing